Professional Interior Design-The Perfectly Edited Home

There are some misconceptions about professional interior design that can prevent you from enlisting the help of an interior designer. To achieve a perfectly edited home that is showcase worthy it requires some professional help however you should know that the “perfectly edited home” is only perfect if it suits you.
Misconception #1
Perhaps it is from movies and television shows that the “fussy” interior designer image is perpetrated. The reality is most professional designers are not about making your home into something they love, they are focused on making your home a place that you love. They help you to have a place that is a perfect example of what you prefer in a home, not what they prefer. You are in the driver seat at all times when you work with an experienced designer. They take YOUR vision and bring it to life by utilizing their skills.
Misconception # 2
It is cheaper to do it yourself! It can be cheaper to throw a few pieces together yourself but you will not get the quality look that you would get with a designer and you will not get the quality materials. A designer will have an “in” with suppliers that you will not. They get better pricing then you can get, so while you may save some money by going a bit cheaper on the materials if you want quality you will find it difficult to beat an interior professionals pricing.
Misconception # 3
I will have to give up some of the control to the designer. One of the best things about forging this type of professional relationship is that you are the star of the show. If you want to hand over the keys to the castle and say “have at it” because you just do not want to deal with any of it, that is fine. If you want to have approval over every single thing that comes into the house, guess what? That is fine as well. You get to set the parameters. Maybe you only want help with the kitchen or living space and you want the bedrooms off limits that is fine. Maybe you want help with the hallways and common areas but not the rest of the house that is okay. You set the pace.
Don’t believe everything you hear, interior designers at Shaw Company Remodeling are here to help you with what you want!
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